Friday, September 5, 2014

Sonic Super Burrito-Where's My Salsa Bitch?

Sonic at
6217 Camp Bowie Blvd
Fort Worth, TX
(817) 377-1280

She didn't give me my salsa.
She doesn't realize that the salsa is an integral component of the whole experience.
She ruined it.

I ordered the Sonic Super Burrito.

This is probably my favorite of the fast food burritos. It's big. It's a cornucopia of Tex-Mex breakfast goodness. The soft moist tortilla was filled with sausage, eggs, cheddar, tots, onions, tomatoes and jalapenos.  I usually order mine without tomatoes because they are big slices and can be  bit much. I always get it with jalapenos, but sometimes the cooks will put way too many on it and you might need to thin them out.  Overall a great taste with potatoes. Their salsa is packaged (kind of like ketchup)but still good. I'd have taken a pic, but I wasn't given any. Insert grumbling here. Anyhow...I highly recommend this burrito for fast food purposes. On a scale of 1-10, I'd give it an 8 or 9 in its category.

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