Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Taco Bell Biscuit Taco- WTF Did I Just Eat?

I swear I will never run late to work again. I was in a hurry, hopped in my car and sped toward my real job. As my stomach started grumbling, I started mentally thinking of drive thrus on the way so I could grab a quick bite to take with me. There were only two options: Whataburger or Taco Bell. They sat next to each other at my exit. 

I'll admit, I'm a Whataburger fan. Their Taquitos are quite tasty. But, it's a well known fact that Whataburger can take forever. I've sat in a W drive thru for 30 minutes before. I didn't have time for all that nonsense. I decided to whip into the Taco Bell instead. They were usually fast and they had recently added a breakfast menu. I thought, "What the hell. Give it a try."

That will teach me to think.

I ordered the Bacon Biscuit Taco. When I opened the wrapper, I was confronted once again by the notorious cardboard protective holder that I had previously experienced with their Doritos taco. It's was the first indicator of things to come. 

The second thing I noticed was the unmelted cheddar plopped on top. I like my tacos to be piping hot with melted cheese. This was room temperature.

This taco wasn't very big either. You can compare it with my hand below.

When I attempted to pick up the taco to take a bite, the need for the cardboard holder became very apparent. The biscuit was dry and started crumbling upon my first bite. The dispersion of bacon pieces was comic. There was a bacon log at the very bottom of the taco that was just weird. You would either get a big bite of all bacon or a big bite of all eggs.

Upon second bite, the taco crumbled into pieces inside the cardboard holder. I needed a fork or something to eat it. Since I was lacking the appropriate utensils, I just wadded it up to throw away. This menu item was disgusting and doesn't deserve to have the name "taco" in its title. It should be renamed Crap In-a-Biscuit.

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